The 3rd meeting on Access to Medicines under Universal Health Coverage in the Asia Pacific Region was held in Seoul, Republic of Korea from 22 to 23 September 2016. The meeting was organized by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Korea Policy Centre, World Health Organization Western Pacific Region (WPRO), OECD, and World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Health Systems and Financing.
Participants from a total of thirteen Asia-Pacific member countries (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam) and experts from Asian Development Bank (ADB), Health Insurance Review and Assessment Services (HIRA, Republic of Korea), United Nations Development Programme, University of Newcastle, University of South Australia, and the Department of Health of Australia were convened for the meeting.
Participants and experts discussed about initiatives promoting wider access to medicines, financing options for medicines, and factors that influence health technology adoption; topics presented and discussed were as follows:
- Global update on access to medicines (Inthira Yamabhai, WHO/HQ)
- Regional update on access to medicines in Asia Pacific (Klara Tisocki, WHO/SEARO)
- Pharmaceutical Country Profiles and PIEMEDS (Uhjin Kim, WHO/WPRO)
- The effect of generic medicines policies on price reduction: Lessons from Australia, Korea, Singapore, and
New Zealand (Elizabeth Ellen Roughead, University of South Australia)
- Health at a glance Asia Pacific 2016 (Luca Lorenzoni, OECD)
- Pharmacoeconomics and resource allocation for high cost medicines (David Newby, WHO/WPRO)
- Financing and benefit package decisions (Soonman Kwon, ADB)
- Considerations in expanding access to high-cost medicines in low-and middle-income countries:
Financial, economic, organizational, and ethical issues (Sun-Young Kim, Seoul National University)
- Looking back on HTA during Universal Health Coverage Scheme implementation: Lessons from Thailand
(Netnapis Suchonwanich, HITAP, Thailand)
- Challenges in introducing a high cost medicines in Viet Nam (Vu Thi Chi, DAV, Viet Nam)
Country cases were also presented by participants and experts: i) access to oncology mediation in Australia (Andrew Wilson, Department of Health of Australia); ii) access to HepC medicine: Experience from Korea (Junho Jang, HIRA, Korea); iii) Lao PER’s experience in introducing a high cost medicines (Sivong Sengaloundeth, FDD, Lao PDR); and iv) High cost medicines: what do we do (Abida Syed M. Haq, MoH, Malaysia). Group activities were included in the meeting; participants discussed about root causes and identification of challenges in access to high cost medicines and identification of factors and players that influence health technology adoption in countries.
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