World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Health System and Financing held a seminar on “International Seminar on Health Financing” in School of Public Health, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea on 29 March (Fri) 2019. Four distinguished experts from WHO Headquarter (HQ), the Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO), and the Regional Office for the South East Asia (SEARO) were invited for the seminar. Prof Soonman Kwon, Director of the Centre gave a brief introduction speech on this seminar. Experts from WHO HQ, WPRO, and SEARO presented their perspectives and insights on the health financing issues. After the sessions, rich discussions on the presentations among the participants and presenters were followed (Chair: Prof Sunyoung Kim, WHOCC). The list of the presenters is as follows:
- Global Public Spending on Health: A Closer Look at Global Trends (Ke XU, WHO HQ)
- Primary care expenditure - how to measure it and what are the preliminary results (Andrew Siroka, WHO HQ)
- Revenues of health systems – what impacts revenues of health systems and what can we do about it (Tomas Roubal, WHO WPRO)
- Health Financing in South East Asia (Hui WANG, WHO SEARO)
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