WHO Seminar 2023 on Health System and
Financing was held at the WHO Collaborating Centre for Health System and
Financing at the School of Public Health, Seoul National University, Korea on 1
September 2023.
Starting with opening remarks by Prof.
Soonman Kwon, presentations from WHO officials followed. Ke Xu from the WHO Headquarters,
Geneva presented findings on ‘Global spending on health: too much or too little?’.
Ding Wang and Lluis Vinals Torres from WHO Western Pacific Regional Office (WPRO)
shared knowledge regarding the WHO WPRO region through a presentation on ‘Overview
of financial protection and international experience in the Western Pacific
Region’. Valeria de Oliveira Cruz from the WHO South-East Asia Region (SEARO)
presentation on ‘Political economy of health reform in Southeast Asia Region’,
followed by a presentation on ‘Access to medicines in Southeast Asia Region’ by
Tsolmongrel Tsilaajav from the WHO SEARO office.
Participants and audiences to the
seminar included students of the School of Public Health, Seoul National
University, and interested researchers in the field. Presentations by experts
were followed by comments and questions from audiences.
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